This is what happens when ZooRiot team up with Katherine to work on a "flashmob suprise" for the future husband to be!
We turned a fantastic and fun dance hen party in a rehearsals space as we wanted to make a special perfomace for the groom at their wedding. Katherine has chosen LOVE IS EASY as a song to perfom as she knew it was her sister's fav track for this special occasion.
Family and friends gathered together to make this happen and they even brought props to use (from umbrellas, to LOVE signs etc)
We kidn of re-created the athmosphere of the original video and everyone did brilliantly. It was such a great hen party! They will perform this on the Big Day and the groom doesn't have a clue of what he is going to experience! Great!
Looking forward to watching the final video ladies.....well done!
Categories: Hen Party, Choroegrapher, Dance Party